Saturday 2 July 2011

(1) Canada Census 2011 - Voluntary or Mandatory

1985, c. S-19 - amended by 1988, c. 65, s. 146 1990, c. 45, s. 54 1992, c. 1, ss. 130, 131 2005, c. 31 2005, c. 38.

Users of this office consolidation are reminded that it is prepared for convenience of reference only and that, as such, it has no official sanction.

References for the statistics act can be found at

The definitions of the words were taken from Black's law Dictionary 8th edition.

I thought that his ex-plan-ation was right on!

Do you wish to be "Held" by "The House" [The Household]?

The "House of Commons" - are you being "Held" by this "House"?

In circumstances such as this - Census 2011 - 'they' would like you to believe, that you are.

"God bless his soul" too.

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