Sunday 3 July 2011

(6) Sandra Finley

Sandra Finley is the former leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan. She was leader from 2006-2008.

The Battles .....

Information on the involvement of Lockheed Martin in the Canadian census

2011-01-13 The Rational Argument, Lockheed Martin in the Canadian census

2011-02-11 Census Lockheed Martin, email to new head of StatsCan, Wayne Smith

2011-05-11 Census Lockheed Martin: On YouTube! Toronto Star coverage, Ottawa Citizen, Mother's Day Proclamation against (Lockheed Martin!) is 140 years old. WHY has it not succeeded?

The corporatist agenda of privatizing public services means that more and more of the data that was originally handled by various levels of government are now being handled by corporations. When the 2006 Canadian Census was contracted out to the worlds largest military contractor, Lockheed Martin (an American multinational that is subject to the US Patriot Act), Saskatchewan resident Sandra Finley objected and refused to fill out her Census form. She has been charged under the Statistics Act with failure to comply with the census. If she is found guilty she faces a maximum $500 fine and 3 months in jail. She is trying to get in touch with the 60 other people who have been charged. Sandra can be reached by phone at (306) 373-8078 or by email at for more information visit

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