Sunday 10 July 2011


Bill Abram (3 parts) Over the past 4 years, the Canadian people have paid $137.4 billion in interest on money borrowed from private banks whereas the Bank of Canada could legally print the public's money into existence rather than borrowing it at interest. "They've paid out this huge sum because our government has failed to abide by the law." Abram, a retired high school teacher and activist on Vancouver Island, B.C., explicates the trick of fractional reserve banking.

1935-1974 - For nearly 40 years, Canada - the people of Canada - had control of their own currency! Imagine! They founded their own bank and issued their own currency with no debt obligations to banks. Taxes were low and debt was too. They got themselves out of the depression that had been induced by the international banking cartel in 1929. By 1934, through the driving force of one man -- Gerald Grattan McGeer, Mayor of Vancouver, B.C. -- Canada founded the Bank of Canada and they were on their way to debt-free recovery. Problem was, the Canadians, busy building their own country, didn't think about, weren't taught about, didn't fully know about what they had -- and they lost it to the banking cartel in 1974. A Bilderberg-banker plan to take it away from them and mire them back in deep debt, forcing them to sell off and privatize everything they'd accomplished in those healthy four decades. Canada's Great Experiment was over. But all isn't lost. The structure is still there and so is the Bank of Canada. Bill Abram tells the story, also, of Nobel-prize winner Mohammad Yunus's bank, which demonstrates "poverty is not caused by poor people; poverty is caused by the system." Hocus pocus malthusianism as practiced by the Bilderbergers and their minions is exposed by Yunus and Abram.

Bill Abram remembers Gerald Grattan McGeer, a crusading labor lawyer representing the Vancouver Trades & Labour Council (Canada) who got a chance to interrogate and lecture the vaunted Lord MacMillan Banking Commission, sent over from England in depression years to fix things up. McGeer, who had done his homework, got bankers Graham Towers to admit, "If Parliament wants to change the form of operating the banking system, then certainly that is within the power of Parliament. So they did. Usury-free money for nearly 20 years: a nearly debt-free era of investment in the Commons, and the people of Canada.

Saturday 9 July 2011

(18) O’ Canada – Our Bought and Sold Out Land!

What ALL Canadians should know!

A history of banking and debt in Canada and how the Canadian banking system works today.

Friday 8 July 2011

(17) Harper Blamed Canada?

Stephen Harper: We need to form a full assault. It's Canada's fault!

(16) Who Killed Canada

Based on Mel Hurtig's 'The Truth About Canada', features Mel, includes nonbiased, nonpartisan StatsCan data, OECD studies, polls, graphs.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

(15) Census 2011 Exposed

What is the Census 2011 really for? A small clip exposing a little about the Census 2011 (27th March 2011)

Tuesday 5 July 2011

(14) Count Me Out

It’s hard to believe. A significant part of the Canada Census has been outsourced by Statistics Canada. That is bad. And with the Free Trade Agreement, the contract was awarded to a US subsidiary. That is worse. And the particular subsidiary is in fact a subsidiary of the colossal US armaments manufacturer Lockheed Martin. That is simply outrageous!
This raises several disturbing issues, including loss of Canadian sovereignty, loss of Canadian jobs, and personal privacy. The privacy assurances by Statistics Canada are far from convincing. Many unanswered questions remain. The only way to have full confidence in the privacy of the census is not to contract out any part of it, including the census software component. And even without the privacy factor, the contracting out to a subsidiary of US weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin is, in itself, totally unacceptable.
In response to the outsourcing of the Census, an advocacy website, has been established. The website is filled with practical suggestions for "minimum cooperation" with the May 2011 Census. Suggestions range from not filing census information online as StatsCan urges, to opting for individual census forms for each household member, to writing answers upside-down.
The May 10, 2011 Canada Census presents all Canadians with an easy, yet extremely effective way to protest the sellout of Canadian sovereignty through Free Trade; and the erosion of personal privacy and civil liberties.
Let's use that opportunity.

 Visit for further information. And spread the word.

(13) Why the 2011 census calls for some civil disobedience

Monday 4 July 2011

(12) Irony and Canada's Census

People who work for government in Canada create a number of "persons". These are fictional entities. Then they send a form asking how many "persons" are at a particular home on a particular date. If we mention all of the "persons" alleged to exist this would show a false count for population which would defeat the whole purpose of having a census as stated in the British North America Act 1867. Pure Irony..

(11) Jack Layton on Deeper Implications of Census Debate

Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, joins The Mark to speak about the ideological divide in Canadian politics, and how the census fits into that.

Sunday 3 July 2011

(10) Lockheed Martin Hit by Unspecified Cyber Incident

Lockheed Martin Hit by Unspecified Cyber Incident
May 28,
A major defense contractor said the cyber attack was "significant and tenacious," but the company kept its secrets safe - Lockheed manufactures some of the most sophisticated US military hardware, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the F-22 Raptor. It is also a major international supplier of military equipment.

(9) Civil disobedience and the 2011 census

I can agree with Catherine Porter on so many levels. In addition to using Canadian taxpayers’ money to support the world’s largest weapons manufacturer, paying $80 million for optical recognition software (that has been around for over a decade) is a huge rip-off.

Porter: Why the 2011 census calls for some civil disobedience

When Lynn Marie Murphy opened her census form, she thought of bombs and fighter planes. She knew something I didn’t know — that the federal government has paid Lockheed Martin about $81 million for “optic recognition” software to process the mailed-in census forms.

(8) Uncounted - Clint Curtis: Million Dollar Programmer

"Mr. Curtis," said the questioner at the U.S. House Judiciary Committee proceedings, "are there programs that can be used to secretly fix elections?"

And so begins the story of Clint Curtis - computer programmer, Floridian, Republican - who was asked by the company he worked for to create a vote-rigging software prototype that he assumed would be used to try and "catch" would-be fraudsters. It was a standard "opposition research" assignment - or so he was told. The truth, of course, was something completely different and weaves into a tangled web the 2000 Presidential Election debacle, a now-sitting U.S. Congressman, and the number one threat to our national security - electronic voting.

From Uncounted's "Whistleblowers Should Have Their Own Trading Cards. With Bubblegum" Series.

(7) Private Sector Involvement

What work is being contracted out for the 2011 Census?

Activities involving access to or handling of confidential census data are out of scope for contracting, and only undertaken by Statistics Canada employees. As a result, no contractor will ever have access to confidential census responses. Statistics Canada will contract out the provision of goods and services to the private sector, including the acquisition of software - Public Works and Government Services Canada awarded to Lockheed Martin Canada a contract to provide Statistics Canada software for its employees to process questionnaires in preparation for and during the 2011 Census.

(6) Sandra Finley

Sandra Finley is the former leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan. She was leader from 2006-2008.

The Battles .....

Information on the involvement of Lockheed Martin in the Canadian census

2011-01-13 The Rational Argument, Lockheed Martin in the Canadian census

2011-02-11 Census Lockheed Martin, email to new head of StatsCan, Wayne Smith

2011-05-11 Census Lockheed Martin: On YouTube! Toronto Star coverage, Ottawa Citizen, Mother's Day Proclamation against (Lockheed Martin!) is 140 years old. WHY has it not succeeded?

The corporatist agenda of privatizing public services means that more and more of the data that was originally handled by various levels of government are now being handled by corporations. When the 2006 Canadian Census was contracted out to the worlds largest military contractor, Lockheed Martin (an American multinational that is subject to the US Patriot Act), Saskatchewan resident Sandra Finley objected and refused to fill out her Census form. She has been charged under the Statistics Act with failure to comply with the census. If she is found guilty she faces a maximum $500 fine and 3 months in jail. She is trying to get in touch with the 60 other people who have been charged. Sandra can be reached by phone at (306) 373-8078 or by email at for more information visit

Saturday 2 July 2011

(5) Canada Census -- Minimum Cooperation 101

A quick lesson on how to use minimum cooperation techniques when doing the 2011 Canada Census.

Statistics Canada has outsourced the Canada Census software and data processing equipment [BAD], under the Free Trade Deal [WORSE], to a subsidiary of US weapons maker Lockheed Martin [OUTRAGEOUS!!]

Use minimum cooperation methods when responding to the May 2011 Census

(4) Census worker at door

How i politely dealt with a census worker. She was a very nice lady; however, clueless on what she was really doing. As you will notice she cannot answer any of my questions. At the end of the video you see she admits knowing the number of people residing in my house is enough data for her. Why then did she even need to ask anything else?

(3) Canada Census 2011 - How to Fill It Out

Non-compliance has it's advantages. This is the only way to stop what is going on. We are in a prison with no walls only because we allow it. They are deathly afraid of us becoming non-compliant. War is over, if you want it.

"Aim small, miss small."

- Mel Gibson, The Patriot.


Investigation of the STATISTICS ACT leads me to believe that by law the only information that you are required to complete is that needed to count the POPULATION. Is it possible that all other questions are VOLUNTARY but they neglect to mention this on the form?!

(1) Canada Census 2011 - Voluntary or Mandatory

1985, c. S-19 - amended by 1988, c. 65, s. 146 1990, c. 45, s. 54 1992, c. 1, ss. 130, 131 2005, c. 31 2005, c. 38.

Users of this office consolidation are reminded that it is prepared for convenience of reference only and that, as such, it has no official sanction.

References for the statistics act can be found at

The definitions of the words were taken from Black's law Dictionary 8th edition.

I thought that his ex-plan-ation was right on!

Do you wish to be "Held" by "The House" [The Household]?

The "House of Commons" - are you being "Held" by this "House"?

In circumstances such as this - Census 2011 - 'they' would like you to believe, that you are.

"God bless his soul" too.